individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures, school districts are encouraged to enrollforeign exchange students, as provided in Subsection (3), particularly in schools with decliningor stable enrollments where the incremental cost of enrolling the foreign exchange student maybe minimal.
(5) The board shall make an annual report to the Legislature on the number of exchangestudents and the number of interstate compact students sent to or received from public schoolsoutside the state.
(6) (a) A local school board or charter school governing board shall require eachapproved exchange student agency to provide it with a sworn affidavit of compliance prior to thebeginning of each school year.
(b) The affidavit shall include the following assurances:
(i) that the agency has complied with all applicable policies of the board;
(ii) that a household study, including a background check of all adult residents, has beenmade of each household where an exchange student is to reside, and that the study was ofsufficient scope to provide reasonable assurance that the exchange student will receive propercare and supervision in a safe environment;
(iii) that host parents have received training appropriate to their positions, includinginformation about enhanced criminal penalties under Subsection 76-5-406(10) for persons whoare in a position of special trust;
(iv) that a representative of the exchange student agency shall visit each student's placeof residence at least once each month during the student's stay in Utah;
(v) that the agency will cooperate with school and other public authorities to ensure thatno exchange student becomes an unreasonable burden upon the public schools or other publicagencies;
(vi) that each exchange student will be given in the exchange student's native languagenames and telephone numbers of agency representatives and others who could be called at anytime if a serious problem occurs; and
(vii) that alternate placements are readily available so that no student is required toremain in a household if conditions appear to exist which unreasonably endanger the student'swelfare.
(7) (a) A local school board or charter school governing board shall provide eachapproved exchange student agency with a list of names and telephone numbers of individuals notassociated with the agency who could be called by an exchange student in the event of a seriousproblem.
(b) The agency shall make a copy of the list available to each of its exchange students inthe exchange student's native language.
(8) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(c)(i), a school district or charter school shall enroll aforeign exchange student if the foreign exchange student:
(a) is sponsored by an agency approved by the State Board of Education;
(b) attends the same school during the same time period that another student from theschool is:
(i) sponsored by the same agency; and
(ii) enrolled in a school in a foreign country; and
(c) is enrolled in the school for one year or less.
Amended by Chapter 349, 2010 General Session