53A-2-206.5. Definitions. As used in Sections
53A-2-207 through
(1) "Early enrollment" means application prior to the third Friday in February foradmission for the next school year to a school that is not a student's school of residence.
(2) (a) "Early enrollment school capacity" or "maximum capacity" means the totalnumber of students who could be served in a school building if each of the building'sinstructional stations were to have the enrollment specified in Subsection (2)(b).
(b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b)(ii):
(A) for an elementary school, an instructional station shall have an enrollment at leastequal to the school district's average class size for the corresponding grade; and
(B) for a middle, junior, or senior high school, an instructional station shall have anenrollment at least equal to the district's average class size for similar classes.
(ii) (A) A local school board shall determine the instructional station capacity forlaboratories, physical education facilities, shops, study halls, self-contained special educationclassrooms, facilities jointly financed by the school district and another community agency forjoint use, and similar rooms.
(B) Capacity for self-contained special education classrooms shall be based uponstudents per class as defined by State Board of Education and federal special education standards.
(3) (a) "Instructional station" means a classroom, laboratory, shop, study hall, or physicaleducation facility to which a local board of education could reasonably assign a class, teacher, orprogram during a given class period.
(b) More than one instructional station may be assigned to a classroom, laboratory, shop,study hall, or physical education facility during a class period.
(4) "Late enrollment" means application:
(a) after the third Friday in February for admission for the next school year to a schoolthat is not the student's school of residence; or
(b) for admission for the current year to a school that is not the student's school ofresidence.
(5) (a) "Late enrollment school capacity" or "adjusted capacity" means the total numberof students who could be served in a school if each teacher were to have the class size specifiedin Subsection (5)(b).
(b) (i) An elementary school teacher shall have a class size at least equal to the district'saverage class size for the corresponding grade.
(ii) A middle, junior, or senior high school teacher shall have a class size at least equal tothe district's average class size for similar classes.
(6) "Nonresident student" means a student who lives outside the boundaries of the schoolattendance area.
(7) "Open enrollment threshold" means:
(a) for early enrollment, a projected school enrollment level that is the greater of:
(i) 90% of the maximum capacity; or
(ii) maximum capacity minus 40 students; and
(b) for late enrollment, actual school enrollment that is the greater of:
(i) 90% of adjusted capacity; or
(ii) adjusted capacity minus 40 students.
(8) "Projected school enrollment" means the current year enrollment of a school as of
October 1, adjusted for projected growth for the next school year.
(9) "School attendance area" means an area established by a local school board fromwhich students are assigned to attend a certain school.
(10) "School of residence" means the school to which a student is assigned to attendbased on the student's place of residence.
Enacted by Chapter 346, 2008 General Session