53A-3-301. Superintendent of schools -- Appointment -- Qualifications -- Term --Compensation. (1) A local school board shall appoint a district superintendent of schools who serves asthe board's chief executive officer.
(2) (a) The board shall appoint the superintendent on the basis of outstandingprofessional qualifications.
(b) The superintendent's term of office is for two years and until a successor is appointedand qualified.
(3) If it becomes necessary to appoint an interim superintendent due to a vacancy in theoffice of superintendent, then the board shall make an appointment during a public meeting foran indefinite term not to exceed one year, which term shall end upon the appointment andqualification of a new superintendent.
(4) (a) The superintendent shall hold an administrative/supervisory license issued by theState Board of Education, except as otherwise provided in Subsection (4)(b).
(b) A local board of education may request, and the State Board of Education may grant,a letter of authorization permitting a person with outstanding professional qualifications to serveas superintendent without holding an administrative/supervisory license.
(5) The board shall set the superintendent's compensation for services.
(6) The superintendent qualifies for office by taking the constitutional oath of office.
Amended by Chapter 231, 2003 General Session
Amended by Chapter 315, 2003 General Session