53A-3-303. Duties of business administrator. Subject to the direction of the district superintendent of schools, the district's businessadministrator shall:
(1) attend all meetings of the board, keep an accurate record of its proceedings, and havecustody of the seal and records;
(2) be custodian of all district funds, be responsible and accountable for all moneyreceived and disbursed, and keep accurate records of all revenues received and their sources;
(3) countersign with the president of the board all warrants and claims against the districtas well as other legal documents approved by the board;
(4) prepare and submit to the board each month a written report of the district's receiptsand expenditures;
(5) use uniform budgeting, accounting, and auditing procedures and forms approved bythe State Board of Education, which shall be in accordance with generally accepted accountingprinciples or auditing standards and Title 63J, Chapter 1, Utah Budgetary Procedures Act;
(6) prepare and submit to the board a detailed annual statement for the period endingJune 30, of the revenue and expenditures, including beginning and ending fund balances;
(7) assist the superintendent in the preparation and submission of budget documents andstatistical and fiscal reports required by law or the State Board of Education;
(8) insure that adequate internal controls are in place to safeguard the district's funds; and
(9) perform other duties as the superintendent may require.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session