53A-6-404. Certification in other jurisdictions -- Impact on licensing in Utah. (1) An applicant for a license, renewal of a license, or reinstatement of a license shallprovide the administrator of teacher licensing with an affidavit, stating under oath the currentstatus of any certificate, license, or other authorization required for a professional position ineducation, which the applicant holds or has held in any other jurisdiction.
(2) An applicant for a license who has held a teacher's license in any other jurisdiction orwho graduated from an institution of higher education in another state shall also provide theadministrator of teacher licensing with:
(a) a complete listing of the higher education institutions attended by the applicant,whether the applicant's enrollment or eligibility for completion of a program was terminated bythe institution, and, if so, the reasons for termination;
(b) a complete list of prior school employers; and
(c) a release on a form provided by the administrator permitting the office to obtainrecords from other jurisdictions and from institutions of higher education attended by theapplicant, including expunged or otherwise protected records, relating to any offense describedsubstantially in the same language as in Subsection
(3) If the applicant's certificate, license, or authorization as an educator in any otherjurisdiction is under investigation, has expired or been surrendered, suspended or revoked, or iscurrently not valid for any other reason, the office may not grant the requested license, renewal,or reinstatement until it has received confirmation from the administrator of professionalcertification in that jurisdiction that the applicant would be eligible for certification or licensure inthat jurisdiction.
(4) The office may not withhold a license for the sole reason that the applicant would beineligible for certification, licensure, or authorization in the jurisdiction referred to in Subsection(3) because of failure to meet current requirements in that jurisdiction relating to education, timein service, or residence.
Amended by Chapter 103, 2000 General Session