53A-6-502. Mandatory reporting of physical or sexual abuse of students. (1) For purposes of this section, "educator" means, in addition to a person included underSection
53A-6-103, a person, including a volunteer or temporary employee, who at the time of analleged offense was performing a function in a private school for which a license would berequired in a public school.
(2) In addition to any duty to report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect underSection
62A-4a-403, an educator who has reasonable cause to believe that a student may havebeen physically or sexually abused by a school employee shall immediately report the belief andall other relevant information to the school principal, superintendent, or to the office.
(3) A school administrator who has received a report under Subsection (2) or whootherwise has reasonable cause to believe that a student may have been physically or sexuallyabused by an educator shall immediately report that information to the office.
(4) Failure to comply with Subsection (2) or (3) shall be considered unprofessionalconduct.
(5) A person who makes a report under this section in good faith shall be immune fromcivil or criminal liability that might otherwise arise by reason of that report.
Amended by Chapter 315, 2003 General Session