53A-8-102. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Career employee" means an employee of a school district who has obtained areasonable expectation of continued employment based upon Section
53A-8-106 and anagreement with the employee or the employee's association, district practice, or policy.
(2) "Contract term" or "term of employment" means the period of time during which anemployee is engaged by the school district under a contract of employment, whether oral orwritten.
(3) "Dismissal" or "termination" means:
(a) termination of the status of employment of an employee;
(b) failure to renew or continue the employment contract of a career employee beyondthe then-current school year;
(c) reduction in salary of an employee not generally applied to all employees of the samecategory employed by the school district during the employee's contract term; or
(d) change of assignment of an employee with an accompanying reduction in pay, unlessthe assignment change and salary reduction are agreed to in writing.
(4) "Employee" means a career or provisional employee of a school district, but does notinclude:
(a) the district superintendent, or the equivalent at the Schools for the Deaf and theBlind;
(b) the district business administrator or the equivalent at the Schools for the Deaf andthe Blind; or
(c) a temporary employee.
(5) "Provisional employee" means an individual, other than a career employee or atemporary employee, who is employed by a school district.
(6) "School board" or "board" means a district school board or its equivalent at theSchools for the Deaf and the Blind.
(7) "School district" or "district" means:
(a) a public school district; or
(b) the Schools for the Deaf and the Blind.
(8) "Temporary employee" means an individual who is employed on a temporary basis asdefined by policies adopted by the local board of education. If the class of employees in questionis represented by an employee organization recognized by the local board, the board shall adoptits policies based upon an agreement with that organization. Temporary employees serve at willand have no expectation of continued employment.
Amended by Chapter 348, 2007 General Session