53A-9-103. Authorized components. Career ladders may include the following components:
(1) (a) An extended contract year for teachers, providing for additional paid nonteachingdays beyond the regular school year for curriculum development and other professionaldevelopment activities.
(b) School boards may approve individual exceptions to the extended year contract.
(2) At the option of the local school board, an extended contract year for teachers,providing for additional paid workdays beyond the regular school year for teaching assignmentsin summer school, remedial, disabled, specialized, applied technology, gifted and talented, andadult education programs.
(3) A fair and consistent procedure:
(a) for selecting teachers who will be given additional responsibilities; and
(b) which incorporates clearly stated job descriptions and qualifications for each level onthe career ladder.
(4) (a) A program of differentiated staffing that provides additional compensation and, asappropriate, additional extensions of the contract year, for those who assume additionalinstruction-related responsibilities such as:
(i) assisting students and mentoring beginning teachers;
(ii) curriculum and lesson plan development;
(iii) helping established teachers improve their teaching skills;
(iv) volunteer training;
(v) planning;
(vi) facilities and productivity improvements; and
(vii) educational assignments directed at establishing positive relationships with thecommunity, businesses, and parents.
(b) Administrative and extracurricular activities are not considered additionalinstruction-related activities under this Subsection (4).
(5) (a) A well defined program of evaluation and mentoring for beginning teachers,consistent with Subsections
53A-1a-104(7) and
53A-6-102(2)(a) and (b), designed to assist thoseteachers during provisional years of teaching to acquire and demonstrate the skills required ofcapable, successful teachers.
(b) Continuation in teaching from year to year shall be contingent upon satisfactoryteaching performance.
(6) A clear and concise explanation of the evaluation system components, including therespective roles of parents, teachers, administrators, and the school board in the development ofthe evaluation system and provisions for frequent, comprehensive evaluations of teachers withless than three years' teaching experience and periodic evaluations of other teachers consistentwith Subsections
53A-1a-104(7) and
53A-6-102(2)(a) and (b).
(7) (a) A program of advancement on the career ladder contingent upon effective teachingperformance, evidence of which may include formal evaluation and assessment of studentprogress.
(b) Student progress shall play a significant role in teacher evaluation.
(c) Other criteria may include formal preparation and successful teaching experience.
(8) An assessment of implementation costs.
(9) A plan for periodic review of the career ladder, including the makeup of the reviewing
entity, procedures to be followed during review, and the time schedule for the review.
Amended by Chapter 73, 2001 General Session
Amended by Chapter 86, 2001 General Session