53A-9-104. Evaluation program for placement and advancement on careerladders. (1) Each school district shall develop a program to evaluate its teachers for placement andadvancement on the career ladder consistent with Title 53A, Chapter 10. The evaluationprocedure shall:
(a) be fair, consistent, and valid according to generally accepted principles of personneladministration;
(b) incorporate clearly stated job descriptions;
(c) be in writing;
(d) involve teachers in the development of the evaluation instrument; and
(e) prior to any evaluation inform the teacher in writing about time frames in theevaluation procedure, the evaluation process, the types of criteria to be used in the evaluation andthe factors to be evaluated and the procedure for requesting a review of the evaluation.
(2) Nothing in this section precludes informal classroom observations.
Amended by Chapter 233, 1988 General Session