53A-10-106. Components of educator evaluation program. An educator evaluation program adopted by a local school board in consultation with acommittee shall include the following components:
(1) a reliable and valid evaluation program consistent with generally acceptedprofessional standards for personnel evaluation systems;
(2) systematic evaluation procedures for both provisional and career educators;
(3) the use of multiple lines of evidence, such as:
(a) self-evaluation;
(b) student and parent input;
(c) peer observation;
(d) supervisor observations;
(e) evidence of professional growth;
(f) student achievement data; and
(g) other indicators of instructional improvement;
(4) a reasonable number of observation periods for an evaluation to insure adequatereliability; and
(5) administration of an educator's evaluation by:
(a) the principal;
(b) the principal's designee;
(c) the educator's immediate supervisor; or
(d) another person specified in the evaluation program.
Repealed and Re-enacted by Chapter 287, 2009 General Session