53A-10-106.5. Summative evaluation timelines -- Review of summative evaluations. (1) The person responsible for administering an educator's summative evaluation shall:
(a) at least 15 days before an educator's first evaluation:
(i) notify the educator of the evaluation process; and
(ii) give the educator a copy of the evaluation instrument, if an instrument is used;
(b) (i) allow the educator to make a written response to any part of the evaluation; and
(ii) attach the educator's response to the evaluation;
(c) within 15 days after the evaluation process is completed, discuss the writtenevaluation with the educator; and
(d) following any revision of the written evaluation made after the discussion:
(i) file the evaluation and any related reports or documents in the educator's personnelfile; and
(ii) give a copy of the written evaluation and attachments to the educator.
(2) An educator who is not satisfied with a summative evaluation may request a reviewof the evaluation within 30 days after receiving the written evaluation.
(3) If a review is requested, the school district superintendent or the superintendent'sdesignee shall appoint a person not employed by the school district who has expertise in teacheror personnel evaluation to review and make recommendations to the superintendent regarding theteacher's summative evaluation.
(4) Nothing in this section prevents the educator and the superintendent orsuperintendent's designee from agreeing to another method of review.
Enacted by Chapter 287, 2009 General Session