53A-10-107. Deficiencies -- Remediation. (1) The person responsible for administering an educator's evaluation shall give aneducator whose performance is inadequate or in need of improvement a written document clearlyidentifying:
(a) deficiencies;
(b) the available resources for improvement; and
(c) a recommended course of action that will improve the educator's performance.
(2) The district shall provide the educator with reasonable assistance to improveperformance.
(3) An educator is responsible for improving performance by using the resourcesidentified by the school district and demonstrating acceptable levels of improvement in thedesignated areas of deficiencies.
(4) (a) The person responsible for administering the evaluation of an educator whoseperformance has been determined to be inadequate or in need of improvement shall completewritten evaluations and recommendations regarding the educator at least 60 days before the endof the educator's contract school year.
(b) The final evaluation shall include only data previously considered and discussed withthe educator as required by Section
Amended by Chapter 287, 2009 General Session