53A-11-1202. Definitions. As used in this part:
(1) "Bigotry" means action or advocacy of imminent action involving:
(a) the harassment or denigration of a person or entity; or
(b) any intent to cause a person not to freely enjoy or exercise any right secured by theconstitution or laws of the United States or the state, except that an evaluation or prohibition maynot be made of the truth or falsity of any religious belief or expression of conscience unless themeans of expression or conduct arising therefrom violates the standards of conduct outlined inthis section, Section
53A-13-101.3, or 20 U.S.C. Section 4071(f).
(2) "Club" means any student organization that meets during noninstructional time.
(3) "Conscience" means a standard based upon learned experiences, a personalphilosophy or system of belief, religious teachings or doctrine, an absolute or external sense ofright and wrong which is felt on an individual basis, a belief in an external absolute, or anycombination of the foregoing.
(4) "Curricular club" means a club that is school sponsored and that may receiveleadership, direction, and support from the school or school district beyond providing a meetingplace during noninstructional time. An elementary school curricular club means a club that isorganized and directed by school sponsors at the elementary school. A secondary schoolcurricular club means a club:
(a) whose subject matter is taught or will soon be taught in a regular course;
(b) whose subject matter concerns the body of courses as a whole;
(c) in which participation is required for a particular course; or
(d) in which participation results in academic credit.
(5) (a) "Discretionary time" means school-related time for students that is notinstructional time.
(b) "Discretionary time" includes free time before and after school, during lunch andbetween classes or on buses, and private time before athletic and other events or activities.
(6) (a) "Encourage criminal or delinquent conduct" means action or advocacy ofimminent action that violates any law or administrative rule.
(b) "Encourage criminal or delinquent conduct" does not include discussions concerningchanging of laws or rules, or actions taken through lawfully established channels to effectuatesuch change.
(7) (a) "Instructional time" means time during which a school is responsible for a studentand the student is required or expected to be actively engaged in a learning activity.
(b) "Instructional time" includes instructional activities in the classroom or study hallduring regularly scheduled hours, required activities outside the classroom, and counseling,private conferences, or tutoring provided by school employees or volunteers acting in theirofficial capacities during or outside of regular school hours.
(8) "Involve human sexuality" means:
(a) presenting information in violation of laws governing sex education, includingSections
53A-13-101 and
(b) advocating or engaging in sexual activity outside of legally recognized marriage orforbidden by state law; or
(c) presenting or discussing information relating to the use of contraceptive devices orsubstances, regardless of whether the use is for purposes of contraception or personal health.
(9) "Limited open forum" means a forum created by a district for student expressionwithin the constraints of Subsection
(10) "Noncurricular club" is a student initiated group that may be authorized and allowedschool building use during noninstructional time in secondary schools by a school and schoolgoverning board in accordance with the provisions of this part. A noncurricular club's meetings,ideas, and activities are not sponsored or endorsed in any way by a school governing board, theschool, or by school or school district employees.
(11) "Noninstructional time" means time set aside by a school before instructional timebegins or after instructional time ends, including discretionary time.
(12) "Religious club" means a noncurricular club designated in its application as eitherbeing religiously based or based on expression or conduct mandated by conscience.
(13) "School" means a public school, including a charter school.
(14) "School building use" means access to a school facility or premises, includingaccess to a limited open forum.
(15) "School governing board" means a local school board or charter school board.
Enacted by Chapter 114, 2007 General Session