53A-11-1203. Student clubs -- Limited open forum -- Authorization. (1) (a) A school may establish and maintain a limited open forum for student clubspursuant to the provisions of this part, State Board of Education rules, and school governingboard policies.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions under Subsection (1)(a), a school retains the right tocreate a closed forum at any time by allowing curricular clubs only.
(2) (a) A school shall review applications for authorization of clubs on a case-by-casebasis.
(b) Before granting an authorization, the school shall find:
(i) that the proposed club meets this part's respective requirements of a curricular club ora noncurricular club; and
(ii) that the proposed club's purpose and activities comply with this part.
(c) Before granting an authorization, a school may request additional information fromthe faculty sponsor, from students proposing the club, or from its school governing board, ifdesired.
(3) A school shall grant authorization and school building use to curricular andnoncurricular clubs whose applications are found to meet the requirements of this part, rules ofthe State Board of Education, and policies of the school governing board and shall limit or denyauthorization or school building use to proposed clubs that do not meet the requirements of thispart, rules of the State Board of Education, and policies of the school governing board.
Enacted by Chapter 114, 2007 General Session