53A-11-1207. Faculty oversight of authorized clubs. (1) A school shall approve the faculty sponsor, supervisor, or monitor for eachauthorized curricular, noncurricular, and religious club to provide oversight consistent with thispart and the needs of the school to ensure that the methods of expression, religious practices, orother conduct of the students or advisors involved do not:
(a) unreasonably interfere with the ability of school officials to maintain order anddiscipline;
(b) unreasonably endanger or threaten the well-being of persons or property;
(c) violate concepts of civility or propriety appropriate to a school setting; or
(d) violate applicable laws, rules, regulations, and policies.
(2) (a) A school shall annually approve faculty members as sponsors of curricular clubs.
(b) Faculty sponsors shall organize and direct the purpose and activities of a curricularclub.
(3) (a) A school shall approve faculty members to serve as supervisors for authorizednoncurricular clubs.
(b) A faculty supervisor shall provide oversight to ensure compliance with the approvedclub purposes, goals, and activities and with the provisions of this part and other applicable laws,rules, and policies.
(c) The approval of a faculty supervisor or monitor does not constitute schoolsponsorship of the club.
(d) A faculty monitor approved for a religious club may not participate in the activities ofthe religious club, except to perform the supervisory role required by this section.
(4) Without the prior approval by the school, a person who is not a school facultymember or a club member may not:
(a) make a presentation to a noncurricular club; or
(b) direct, conduct, control, or regularly attend the meetings of a noncurricular club.
Enacted by Chapter 114, 2007 General Session