53A-11-1210. Parental consent. (1) A school shall require written parental or guardian consent for student participation inall curricular and noncurricular clubs at the school.
(2) The consent described in Subsection (1) shall include an activity disclosure statementcontaining the following information:
(a) the specific name of the club;
(b) a statement of the club's purpose, goals, and activities;
(c) a statement of the club's categorization, which shall be obtained from the applicationfor authorization of a club in accordance with the provisions of Section
53A-11-1204 or
53A-11-1205, indicating all of the following that may apply:
(i) athletic;
(ii) business/economic;
(iii) agriculture;
(iv) art/music/performance;
(v) science;
(vi) gaming;
(vii) religious;
(viii) community service/social justice; and
(ix) other;
(d) beginning and ending dates;
(e) a tentative schedule of the club activities with dates, times, and places specified;
(f) personal costs associated with the club, if any;
(g) the name of the sponsor, supervisor, or monitor who is responsible for the club; and
(h) any additional information considered important for the students and parents to know.
(3) All completed parental consent forms shall be filed by the parent or the club'ssponsor, supervisor, or monitor with the school's principal, the chief administrative officer of acharter school, or their designee.
Enacted by Chapter 114, 2007 General Session