53A-11-604. Diabetes medication -- Possession -- Self-administration. (1) As used in this section, "diabetes medication" means prescription or nonprescriptionmedication used to treat diabetes, including related medical devices, supplies, and equipmentused to treat diabetes.
(2) A public school shall permit a student to possess or possess and self-administerdiabetes medication if:
(a) the student's parent or guardian signs a statement:
(i) authorizing the student to possess or possess and self-administer diabetes medication;and
(ii) acknowledging that the student is responsible for, and capable of, possessing orpossessing and self-administering the diabetes medication; and
(b) the student's health care provider provides a written statement that states:
(i) it is medically appropriate for the student to possess or possess and self-administerdiabetes medication and the student should be in possession of diabetes medication at all times;and
(ii) the name of the diabetes medication prescribed or authorized for the student's use.
(3) The Utah Department of Health, in cooperation with the state superintendent ofpublic instruction, shall design forms to be used by public schools for the parental and health careprovider statements described in Subsection (2).
(4) Section
53A-11-904 does not apply to the possession and self-administration ofdiabetes medication in accordance with this section.
Enacted by Chapter 215, 2006 General Session