53A-13-101.1. Maintaining constitutional freedom in the public schools. (1) Any instructional activity, performance, or display which includes examination of orpresentations about religion, political or religious thought or expression, or the influence thereofon music, art, literature, law, politics, history, or any other element of the curriculum, includingthe comparative study of religions, which is designed to achieve secular educational objectivesincluded within the context of a course or activity and conducted in accordance with applicablerules of the state and local boards of education, may be undertaken in the public schools.
(2) No aspect of cultural heritage, political theory, moral theory, or societal value shall beincluded within or excluded from public school curricula for the primary reason that it affirms,ignores, or denies religious belief, religious doctrine, a religious sect, or the existence of aspiritual realm or supreme being.
(3) Public schools may not sponsor prayer or religious devotionals.
(4) School officials and employees may not use their positions to endorse, promote, ordisparage a particular religious, denominational, sectarian, agnostic, or atheistic belief orviewpoint.
Enacted by Chapter 95, 1993 General Session