53A-13-101.3. Expressions of belief -- Discretionary time. (1) Expression of personal beliefs by a student participating in school-directed curriculaor activities may not be prohibited or penalized unless the expression unreasonably interferes withorder or discipline, threatens the well-being of persons or property, or violates concepts of civilityor propriety appropriate to a school setting.
(2) (a) As used in this section, "discretionary time" means noninstructional time duringwhich a student is free to pursue personal interests.
(b) Free exercise of voluntary religious practice or freedom of speech by students duringdiscretionary time shall not be denied unless the conduct unreasonably interferes with the abilityof school officials to maintain order and discipline, unreasonably endangers persons or property,or violates concepts of civility or propriety appropriate to a school setting.
(3) Any limitation under Sections
53A-13-101.2 and
53A-13-101.3 on studentexpression, practice, or conduct shall be by the least restrictive means necessary to satisfy theschool's interests as stated in those sections, or to satisfy another specifically identified compellinggovernmental interest.
Enacted by Chapter 95, 1993 General Session