53A-13-102. Instruction on the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco, and controlledsubstances -- Rulemaking authority -- Assistance from the Division of Substance Abuseand Mental Health. (1) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules providing for instruction at each gradelevel on the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco, and controlled substances upon the human bodyand society. The rules shall require but are not limited to instruction on the following:
(a) teaching of skills needed to evaluate advertisements for, and media portrayal of,alcohol, tobacco, and controlled substances;
(b) directing students towards healthy and productive alternatives to the use of alcohol,tobacco, and controlled substances; and
(c) discouraging the use of alcohol, tobacco, and controlled substances.
(2) At the request of the board, the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health shallcooperate with the board in developing programs to provide this instruction.
(3) The board shall participate in efforts to enhance communication among communityorganizations and state agencies, and shall cooperate with those entities in efforts which arecompatible with the purposes of this section.
Amended by Chapter 8, 2002 Special Session 5