53A-13-106. Instruction in firearm safety -- Purpose -- School districts toimplement volunteer education classes -- Parental consent exception. (1) (a) School districts may permit the use of district approved volunteers or schooldistrict teachers for instruction of firearm safety education classes for students.
(b) The volunteers or school district teachers instructing the firearm safety educationclass are encouraged to utilize donated materials prepared by firearms training and educationorganizations or to develop their own materials within existing budgets.
(2) The purpose of firearm safety education is to:
(a) develop the knowledge, habits, skills, and attitudes necessary for the safe handling offirearms; and
(b) help students avoid firearm injuries.
(3) School districts may offer firearm safety instruction to students in grades kindergartenthrough four to teach them that in order to avoid injury when they find a firearm they should:
(a) not touch it;
(b) tell an adult about finding the firearm and its location; and
(c) be able to share the instruction provided in Subsections (3)(a) and (b) with any otherminors who are with them when they find a firearm.
(4) As used in this chapter, "firearm" means any firearm as defined in Section
(5) The State Board of Education shall make rules promulgated pursuant to Title 63G,Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, for:
(a) use of certified volunteers for instruction of firearm safety education classes in thepublic schools;
(b) use of public school classrooms or auditoriums for these classes;
(c) school district review of donated materials before their use; and
(d) proof of certification as a firearm safety instructor.
(6) (a) A local school board may require every student in grades kindergarten through sixto participate in a firearm safety education class offered within the public schools under thissection.
(b) A student may be exempted from participation upon notification to the local schoolby the student's parent or legal guardian that the parent or legal guardian wants the studentexempted from the class in its entirety or any portion specified.
(7) If a student is exempted under Subsection (6), the school may provide other activitiesduring the period of time in which the student would otherwise be participating in the program.
(8) The school districts may permit the Division of Wildlife Resources, local lawenforcement agencies, peace officers as defined in Title 53, Chapter 13, Peace OfficerClassifications, certified instructors, certified hunter education instructors, and other certifiedfirearms safety instructors, as provided by rules adopted under Subsection (5)(a) to teach thefirearm safety education class on a voluntary basis.
(9) The school district is encouraged to maximize the use of existing firearm safetyeducational materials which are available at minimal or no cost and the use of certified volunteerinstructors.
(10) The school district may review the class on a regular basis for its effectiveness.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session