53A-13-108.5. Acceptance of credits and grades awarded by accredited schools. (1) (a) A public school shall accept credits and grades awarded to a student by a schoolaccredited or approved by the State Board of Education or accredited or recognized by theNorthwest Association of Accredited Schools as issued by the school, without alterations.
(b) Credits awarded for a core curriculum course shall be applied to fulfilling corecurriculum requirements.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to credits awarded to a student who:
(a) transfers to a public school; or
(b) while enrolled in the public school, takes courses offered by another public or privateschool.
(3) Subsection (1) applies to:
(a) traditional classes in which an instructor is present in the classroom and the student isrequired to attend the class for a particular length of time;
(b) open entry/open exit classes in which the student has the flexibility to begin or endstudy at any time, progress through course material at his own pace, and demonstrate competencywhen knowledge and skills have been mastered;
(c) courses offered over the Internet; or
(d) distance learning courses.
Enacted by Chapter 227, 2006 General Session