53A-14-101. Creation of commission -- Powers -- Payment of expenses. (1) The State Board of Education shall appoint a State Instructional MaterialsCommission consisting of:
(a) the state superintendent of public instruction or the superintendent's designee;
(b) a school district superintendent;
(c) a secondary school principal;
(d) an elementary school principal;
(e) a secondary school teacher;
(f) an elementary school teacher;
(g) five persons not employed in public education; and
(h) a dean of a school of education of a state college or university.
(2) The commission shall evaluate instructional materials for recommendation by theboard.
(3) As used in this chapter, "instructional materials" means textbooks or materials usedas, or in place, of textbooks and which may be used within the state curriculum framework forcourses of study by students in public schools to include:
(a) textbooks;
(b) workbooks;
(c) computer software;
(d) laserdiscs or videodiscs; and
(e) multiple forms of communications media.
(4) Members shall serve without compensation, but their actual and necessary expensesincurred in the performance of their official duties shall be paid out of money appropriated to theboard.
Amended by Chapter 299, 2002 General Session