53A-14-102. Commission's evaluation of instructional materials --Recommendation by the state board. (1) Semi-annually after reviewing the evaluations of the commission, the board shallrecommend instructional materials for use in the public schools.
(2) The standard period of time instructional materials shall remain on the list ofrecommended instructional materials shall be five years.
(3) Unsatisfactory instructional materials may be removed from the list of recommendedinstructional materials at any time within the period applicable to the instructional materials.
(4) Except as provided in Section
53A-13-101, each school shall have discretion to selectinstructional materials for use by the school. A school may select:
(a) instructional materials recommended by the board as provided in this section; or
(b) other instructional materials it considers appropriate to teach the core curriculum.
Amended by Chapter 299, 2002 General Session