53A-15-104. Critical Languages Program -- Pilot. (1) (a) As used in this section, "critical languages" means those languages described inthe federal National Security Language Initiative, including Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Farsi,Hindi, and Korean.
(b) The Legislature recognizes:
(i) the importance of students acquiring skills in foreign languages in order for them tosuccessfully compete in a global society; and
(ii) the academic, societal, and economic development benefits of the acquisition ofcritical languages.
(2) (a) The State Board of Education, in consultation with the Utah Education Network,shall develop and implement courses of study in the critical languages.
(b) A course may be taught:
(i) over EDNET, the state's two-way interactive system for video and audio, to studentsin the state's public education system;
(ii) through the Electronic High School;
(iii) through traditional instruction; or
(iv) by visiting guest teachers.
(3) (a) The courses authorized in Subsection (2) may use paraprofessionals in theclassroom who:
(i) are fluent in the critical language being taught; and
(ii) can provide reinforcement and tutoring to students on days and at times when theyare not receiving instruction over EDNET under Subsection (2)(b).
(b) The State Board of Education, through the state superintendent of public instruction,shall ensure that the paraprofessionals are fluent in the critical languages.
(4) The State Board of Education shall make rules on the critical languages coursesauthorized under this section in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah AdministrativeRulemaking Act, to include:
(a) notification to school districts on the times and places of the course offerings; and
(b) instructional materials for the courses.
(5) The State Board of Education shall track and monitor the Critical Languages Programand may expand the program to include more course offerings and other critical languages,subject to student demand for the courses and available resources.
(6) (a) Subject to funding for the program, the State Board of Education shall establish apilot program for school districts and schools to initially participate in the Critical LanguagesProgram that provides:
(i) up to $6,000 per language per school, for up to 60 schools, for courses offered incritical languages;
(ii) up to $100 per student who completes a critical languages course; and
(iii) up to an additional $400 per foreign exchange student who completes a criticallanguages course.
(b) If the available funding is insufficient to provide the amounts described underSubsection (6)(a), the amounts provided shall be reduced pro rata so that the total provided doesnot exceed the available funding.
Amended by Chapter 235, 2008 General Session
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session