53A-15-301. Education programs for students with disabilities -- Supervision bythe State Board of Education -- Enforcement. (1) (a) All students with disabilities, who are between the ages of three and 22 and havenot graduated from high school with a regular diploma, are entitled to a free, appropriate publiceducation.
(b) For purposes of Subsection (1)(a), if a student with a disability turns 22 during theschool year, the entitlement extends to the:
(i) beginning of the school's winter holiday for those who turn 22 on or after thebeginning of the school year and before December 31; and
(ii) end of the school year for those who turn 22 after December 31 and before the end ofthe school year.
(c) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules consistent with applicable state andfederal law to implement this chapter.
(2) The rules adopted by the state board shall include the following:
(a) appropriate and timely identification of students with disabilities;
(b) diagnosis, evaluation, and classification by qualified personnel;
(c) standards for classes and services;
(d) provision for multidistrict programs;
(e) provision for delivery of service responsibilities;
(f) certification and qualifications for instructional staff; and
(g) services for dual enrollment students attending public school on a part-time basis underSection
(3) (a) The state board shall have general control and supervision over all educationalprograms for students within the state who have disabilities.
(b) Those programs must comply with rules adopted by the state board under this section.
(4) The state superintendent of public instruction shall enforce this chapter.
Amended by Chapter 82, 2002 General Session