53A-15-302. State director of special education -- Qualifications -- Duties. (1) The State Board of Education shall appoint a state director of special education, whoshall be qualified and experienced in the area of special education.
(2) The state director has the following duties and responsibilities:
(a) to assist the state board and state superintendent of public instruction in performingtheir duties under this chapter;
(b) to encourage and assist school districts and other authorized public agencies in theorganization of programs for students with disabilities;
(c) to provide general supervision over all public programs offered through a publicschool, public agency, public institution, or private agency for students with disabilities;
(d) to cooperate with private schools and other private agencies concerned with educatingand training students with disabilities; and
(e) to coordinate all state programs for students with disabilities.
Amended by Chapter 53, 1992 General Session