53A-15-401. State Board of Education to supervise. (1) The general control and supervision, but not the direct management, of adulteducation is vested in the State Board of Education.
(2) The board has the following powers:
(a) makes and enforces rules to organize, conduct, and supervise adult education;
(b) appoints state staff for the adult education program, establishes their duties, and fixestheir compensation;
(c) determines the qualifications of, and issues teaching certificates to, persons employedto give adult education instruction; and
(d) determines the basis of apportionment and distributes funds made available for adulteducation.
(3) (a) The State Board of Education shall make rules providing for the establishment offees which shall be imposed by local school boards for participation in adult education programs.
(b) A fee structure for adult education shall take into account the ability of a Utahresident who participates in adult education to pay the fees.
(c) Sections
53A-12-103 and
53A-12-104 pertaining to fees and fee waivers in secondaryschools do not apply to adult education.
Amended by Chapter 257, 2004 General Session