53A-15-601. Appropriation for program -- Program requirements -- Distributionof funds to school districts. (1) The Legislature shall provide an annual appropriation from the Uniform School Fundto the State Board of Education for a gang prevention and intervention program designed to helpstudents at risk for gang involvement stay in school, enhance their self-esteem, and improve theirintellectual and life skills.
(2) The program shall:
(a) provide independent gang prevention and intervention both inside and outside ofschool grounds when necessary, including:
(i) meetings with gang members and other students whose activities negatively impactstudents in the program;
(ii) intervening in situations involving gangs that impact students in the program or canresult in violence;
(iii) in-home visits with families of students in the program designed to encourage parentsto become involved in their child's education; and
(iv) notifying law enforcement personnel when a particular problem cannot be defused orwhen required by law; and
(b) maintaining required individual information including profiles on each studentreceiving direct services through the program, including:
(i) attendance records;
(ii) academic records; and
(iii) extra-curricular activities.
(3) The program coordinator at each school shall:
(a) be on the school grounds during school hours;
(b) have received training on gang prevention and intervention strategies in the schools;
(c) have an understanding of the cultural backgrounds of gang members and at-riskstudents and be aware of the potential for gang involvement in all situations; and
(d) have a minimum of one year's experience or on-site training in gang related issuesinside the schools.
(4) Individual schools within each school district interested in providing a gangprevention and intervention program shall apply to the school board for funds.
(5) Individual schools shall be required to provide a percentage of the funding necessaryfor the program in their school, at least one-half of which must be provided through in-kindservices. In-kind services may not include office space and support. Percentage requirementsshall be as follows:
(a) elementary schools, 12%;
(b) middle, intermediate, or junior high schools, 18%;
(c) high schools, 25%.
(6) Individual schools receiving funds may provide the program to their students bycontracting with a private entity whose program meets the requirements set out in Subsections (2)and (3).
Amended by Chapter 219, 1997 General Session