53A-17a-106. Determination of weighted pupil units. The number of weighted pupil units in the minimum school program for each year is thetotal of the units for each school district determined as follows:
(1) The number of units is computed by adding the average daily membership of allpupils of the district attending schools, other than kindergarten and self-contained classes forchildren with a disability.
(2) The number of units is computed by adding the average daily membership of allpupils of the district enrolled in kindergarten and multiplying the total by .55.
(a) In those districts that do not elect to hold kindergarten for a full nine-month term, thelocal school board may approve a shorter term of nine weeks' duration.
(b) Upon board approval, the number of pupils in average daily membership at theshort-term kindergarten shall be counted for the purpose of determining the number of unitsallowed in the same ratio as the number of days the short-term kindergarten is held, notexceeding nine weeks, compared to the total number of days schools are held in that district inthe regular school year.
(3) (a) The State Board of Education shall use prior year plus growth to determineaverage daily membership in distributing money under the minimum school program where thedistribution is based on kindergarten through grade 12 ADMs or weighted pupil units.
(b) Under prior year plus growth, kindergarten through grade 12 average dailymembership for the current year is based on the actual kindergarten through grade 12 averagedaily membership for the previous year plus an estimated percentage growth factor.
(c) The growth factor is the percentage increase in total average daily membership on thefirst school day of October in the current year as compared to the total average daily membershipon the first school day of October of the previous year.
Amended by Chapter 73, 2001 General Session