53A-17a-112. Preschool special education appropriation -- Extended year programappropriation -- Appropriation for special education programs in state institutions. (1) (a) Money appropriated to the State Board of Education for the preschool specialeducation program shall be allocated to school districts to provide a free, appropriate publiceducation to preschool students with a disability, ages three through five.
(b) The money shall be distributed on the basis of a school district's previous yearDecember 1 disabled preschool child count as mandated by federal law.
(2) Money appropriated for the extended school year program for the severely disabledshall be limited to students with severe disabilities with education program goals identifyingsignificant regression and recoupment disability as approved by the State Board of Education.
(3) (a) Money appropriated for self-contained regular special education programs maynot be used to supplement other school programs.
(b) Money in any of the other restricted line item appropriations may not be reducedmore than 2% to be used for purposes other than those specified by the appropriation, unlessotherwise provided by law.
(4) (a) The State Board of Education shall compute preschool funding by a factor of 1.47times the current December 1 child count of eligible preschool aged three, four, andfive-year-olds times the WPU value, limited to 8% growth over the prior year December 1 count.
(b) The board shall develop guidelines to implement the funding formula for preschoolspecial education, and establish prevalence limits for distribution of the money.
Amended by Chapter 3, 2010 General Session