53A-17a-121. Appropriation for at-risk programs. (1) Money appropriated to the State Board of Education for at-risk programs shall beallocated to local school boards for the following programs:
(a) youth in custody;
(b) homeless and disadvantaged minority students;
(c) mathematics, engineering, and science achievement programs;
(d) gang prevention and intervention; and
(e) at-risk flow through.
(2) Districts shall spend monies for these programs according to rules established by theState Board of Education in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah AdministrativeRulemaking Act.
(3) (a) From the amount appropriated for youth at risk programs, the board shall allocatemoneys to school districts for homeless and disadvantaged minority students.
(b) Each district shall receive its allocation on the basis of:
(i) the total number of homeless students in the district;
(ii) added to 50% of the number of disadvantaged minority students in the district;
(iii) multiplying the total of Subsections (3)(b)(i) and (ii) by the value of the weightedpupil unit; and
(iv) prorating the amount under Subsection (3)(b)(iii) to the amount in Subsection (3)(a).
(4) (a) From the amount appropriated for at-risk programs, the board shall allocatemonies for mathematics, engineering, and science achievement programs, MESA programs, inthe districts.
(b) The board shall make the distribution to school districts on a competitive basis byapplication under guidelines established by the board.
(5) (a) From the amount appropriated for at-risk programs, the board shall distributemoneys for gang prevention and intervention programs at the district or school level.
(b) The board shall make the distribution to school districts under guidelines establishedby the board consistent with Section
(6) (a) From the amount appropriated for at-risk programs, the board shall distributemoneys for programs for youth in custody.
(b) The board shall allocate these moneys to school districts which operate programs foryouth in custody in accordance with standards established by the board.
(7) From the amount appropriated for at-risk programs, the board shall allocate moniesbased on:
(a) a formula which takes into account prior year WPU's per district and a district's lowincome population; and
(b) a minimum base of no less than $18,600 for small school districts.
Amended by Chapter 3, 2010 General Session