53A-17a-131.9. Agencies coming together for children and youth at risk. (1) Money appropriated to or received by the State Board of Education to maintain Title63M, Chapter 9, Families, Agencies, and Communities Together for Children and Youth At RiskAct, shall be subject to the provisions of this section.
(2) Participation in the at risk programs funded under this section shall require consentfrom a parent or legal guardian for the participant to receive initial or continuing services underthe program.
(3) A participant's parent or legal guardian shall be actively involved in the program andall applicable state and federal laws and regulations shall be observed by the entities andindividuals providing the services.
(4) The board shall use the appropriation to experiment on a community full-servicedelivery system level to provide data on the merits of moving the concept to a fully implementedstatewide system.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session