grade 3.
(8) (a) A school district that applies for program monies in excess of the Base LevelProgram funds shall choose to first participate in either the Guarantee Program or the LowIncome Students Program.
(b) A school district must fully participate in either the Guarantee Program or the LowIncome Students Program before it may elect to either fully or partially participate in the otherprogram.
(c) To fully participate in the Guarantee Program, a school district shall:
(i) levy a tax rate of .000056 under Section 53A-17a-151;
(ii) allocate to the program other monies available to the school district, except moniesprovided by the state, equal to the amount of revenue that would be generated by a tax rate of.000056; or
(iii) levy a tax under Section 53A-17a-151 and allocate to the program other moniesavailable to the school district, except monies provided by the state, so that the total revenuefrom the combined revenue sources equals the amount of revenue that would be generated by atax rate of .000056.
(d) To fully participate in the Low Income Students Program, a school district shall:
(i) levy a tax rate of .000065 under Section 53A-17a-151;
(ii) allocate to the program other monies available to the school district, except moniesprovided by the state, equal to the amount of revenue that would be generated by a tax rate of.000065; or
(iii) levy a tax under Section 53A-17a-151 and allocate to the program other moniesavailable to the school district, except monies provided by the state, so that the total revenuefrom the combined revenue sources equals the amount of revenue that would be generated by atax rate of .000065.
(9) (a) A school district that fully participates in the Guarantee Program shall receivestate funds in an amount that is:
(i) equal to the difference between $21 times the district's total WPUs and the revenuethe school district is required to generate or allocate under Subsection (8)(c) to fully participate inthe Guarantee Program; and
(ii) not less than $0.
(b) An elementary charter school shall receive under the Guarantee Program an amountequal to $21 times the school's total WPUs.
(10) The State Board of Education shall distribute Low Income Students Program fundsin an amount proportionate to the number of students in each school district or charter schoolwho qualify for free or reduced price school lunch multiplied by two.
(11) A school district that partially participates in the Guarantee Program or Low IncomeStudents Program shall receive program funds based on the amount of district revenue generatedfor or allocated to the program as a percentage of the amount of revenue that could have beengenerated or allocated if the district had fully participated in the program.
(12) (a) Each school district and charter school shall use program monies for readingproficiency improvement in grades kindergarten through grade three.
(b) Program monies may not be used to supplant funds for existing programs, but may beused to augment existing programs.
(13) (a) Each school district and charter school shall annually submit a report to the State
Board of Education accounting for the expenditure of program monies in accordance with itsplan for reading proficiency improvement.
(b) If a school district or charter school uses program monies in a manner that isinconsistent with Subsection (12), the school district or charter school is liable for reimbursingthe State Board of Education for the amount of program monies improperly used, up to theamount of program monies received from the State Board of Education.
(14) (a) The State Board of Education shall make rules to implement the program.
(b) (i) The rules under Subsection (14)(a) shall require each school district or charterschool to annually report progress in meeting goals stated in the district's or charter school's planfor student reading proficiency as measured by gain scores.
(ii) If a school district or charter school does not meet or exceed the goals, the schooldistrict or charter school shall prepare a new plan which corrects deficiencies. The new planmust be approved by the State Board of Education before the school district or charter schoolreceives an allocation for the next year.
(15) If after 36 months of program operation, a school district fails to meet goals statedin the district's plan for student reading proficiency as measured by gain scores, the schooldistrict shall terminate any levy imposed under Section 53A-17a-151.
Enacted by Chapter 305, 2004 General Session