53A-17a-160. High-ability Student Initiative Program. (1) The High-ability Student Initiative Program is created to provide resources foreducators to enhance the academic growth of high-ability students.
(2) The program shall consist of:
(a) personnel under the direction of the State Board of Education and superintendent ofpublic instruction who shall direct and facilitate the program;
(b) a comprehensive, Internet-based resource center to provide information abouthigh-ability students to teachers, administrators, parents, and the community;
(c) professional development and professional learning communities for teachers,including research-based tools to:
(i) identify high-ability students;
(ii) implement strategies to meet high-ability students' needs;
(iii) train and mentor teachers; and
(iv) enhance teacher collaboration and networking, including videoconferencingequipment for classroom observation and coaching;
(d) assistance for a teacher to obtain an endorsement for gifted and talented education;and
(e) an evaluation of the program.
(3) (a) From money appropriated for the High-ability Student Initiative Program, theState Board of Education shall establish a grant program to encourage a licensed teacher toobtain an endorsement for gifted and talented education.
(b) The State Board of Education may award up to 250 grants in amounts of up to $2,500each.
(c) To receive a grant, a licensed teacher shall provide matching funds in an amountequal to 1/2 the grant amount.
(4) From money appropriated for the High-ability Student Initiative Program, the StateBoard of Education shall:
(a) contract with an independent, qualified evaluator, selected through a request forproposals process, to evaluate the High-ability Student Initiative Program; and
(b) provide up to 60 stipends in amounts of up to $1,500 each for teachers whoparticipate in the evaluation.
(5) High-ability Student Initiative Program money may not be used to supplant funds forexisting programs, but may be used to augment existing programs.
(6) Participation in the High-ability Student Initiative Program shall be:
(a) voluntary for an individual teacher; and
(b) voluntary for a charter school or school district.
(7) The State Board of Education shall make an annual report during the 2009, 2010, and2011 interims to the Education Interim Committee describing the program's impact onhigh-ability students.
Enacted by Chapter 397, 2008 General Session