53A-17a-161. English Language Learner Family Literacy Centers Program --Report. (1) Money appropriated for the English Language Learner Family Literacy CentersProgram shall be used by school districts and charter schools to pay for costs of EnglishLanguage Learner Family Literacy Centers as provided in this section.
(2) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, theState Board of Education, after consultation with school districts and charter schools, shall adopta formula that allocates the money appropriated by the Legislature for the English LanguageLearner Family Literacy Centers Program to school districts and charter schools in a fair andequitable manner.
(3) English Language Learner Family Literacy Centers shall be established to:
(a) increase parent involvement;
(b) communicate with parents who are not proficient in English concerning required andoptional activities at the school, in the parents' preferred language to the extent practicable;
(c) increase academic achievement, literacy skills, and language gains in all ethnicgroups of students and their families;
(d) coordinate with school administrators, educators, families, and students; and
(e) support and coordinate with other language acquisition instructional services andlanguage proficiency programs in the public schools.
(4) The State Board of Education shall make a report to the Education InterimCommittee on the effectiveness of the English Language Learner Family Literacy CentersProgram before November 30, 2011.
Enacted by Chapter 397, 2008 General Session