53A-20-104.5. School building construction and inspection manual -- Annualconstruction and inspection conference -- Verification of school construction inspections. (1) (a) The State Board of Education, through the state superintendent of publicinstruction, shall develop and distribute to each school district a school building construction andinspection resource manual.
(b) The manual shall be provided to a charter school upon request of the charter school.
(2) (a) The manual shall include current legal requirements and information on schoolbuilding construction and inspections.
(b) The state superintendent shall review and update the manual at least once every threeyears.
(3) The board shall provide for an annual school construction conference to allow arepresentative from each school district and charter school to:
(a) receive current information on the design, construction, and inspection of schoolbuildings;
(b) receive training on such matters as:
(i) using properly certified building inspectors;
(ii) filing construction inspection summary reports and the final inspection certificationwith the local governmental authority's building official;
(iii) the roles and relationships between a school district or charter school and the localgovernmental authority, either a county or municipality, as related to the construction andinspection of school buildings; and
(iv) adequate documentation of school building inspections; and
(c) provide input on any changes that may be needed to improve the existing schoolbuilding inspection program.
(4) The board shall develop a process to verify that inspections by qualified inspectorsoccur in each school district or charter school.
Amended by Chapter 7, 2005 General Session