53A-22-103. Funds raised -- Highest priority projects. (1) Funds raised by the school district in accordance with this chapter shall be used on thehighest priority projects established by the district's five-year comprehensive capital outlay plan,which shall be approved by the State Board of Education.
(2) The plan must include appropriate priorities for the construction of minimal facilitiesfor new students.
(3) If priority use of the funds raised by the district in accordance with this chapter doesnot provide minimal facilities as defined by the State Board of Education for students in any newand remote community established in the district, or for students in existing communities becauseof the location of new or expanded industries in the area, the district may enter intolease-purchase agreements or lease with option to purchase agreements with private builders tofurnish the minimal facilities required by the district and approved by the State Board ofEducation.
(4) The district may make payments on these agreements from any of its otherwiseuncommitted capital outlay funds.
Enacted by Chapter 2, 1988 General Session