53A-25a-103. Braille skills assessment -- Development of individualized educationprogram. (1) Any assessment required for a blind student shall include a Braille-related or Brailleskills assessment, including a statement of the individual's present level of performance.
(2) (a) Prior to determining whether a blind student should use Braille as the primaryreading mode, the student's IEP team must be provided with detailed information about the useand efficiency of Braille as a reading medium.
(b) The team shall acquire the information through pertinent literature or discussions withcompetent Braille users and educators, or both, in order to make an informed choice as to thestudent's primary reading mode.
(3) In developing an IEP for each blind student, there is a presumption that proficiency inBraille is essential for the student to achieve satisfactory educational progress.
(4) The use of and instruction in Braille are not required under this section if, in thecourse of developing the student's IEP, the team determines that the student's visual impairmentdoes not significantly affect reading and writing performance commensurate with ability.
(5) Nothing in this section requires the exclusive use of Braille if other special educationservices are appropriate to meet the student's educational needs.
(6) The provision of other appropriate special education services does not preclude theuse of Braille or Braille instruction.
Enacted by Chapter 280, 1994 General Session