53A-25b-306. Programs for deafblind individuals -- State deafblind educationspecialist. (1) The board shall adopt policies and programs for providing appropriate educational servicesto individuals who are deafblind.
(2) Except as provided in Subsection (4), the board shall designate an employee of the UtahState Office of Education who holds a deafblind certification or equivalent training and expertise to:
(a) act as a resource coordinator for the board on public education programs designed forindividuals who are deafblind;
(b) facilitate the design and implementation of professional development programs to assistschool districts, charter schools, and the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind in meeting theeducational needs of those who are deafblind; and
(c) facilitate the design of and assist with the implementation of one-on-one interventionprograms in school districts, charter schools, and at the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind forthose who are deafblind, serving as a resource for, or team member of, individual IEP teams.
(3) The board may authorize and approve the costs of an employee of the Utah State Office ofEducation to obtain a deafblind certification or equivalent training and expertise to qualify for theposition described in Subsection (2).
(4) The board may contract with a third party for the services required under Subsection (2).
Enacted by Chapter 294, 2009 General Session