53A-25b-307. Educational Enrichment Program for Hearing and Visually ImpairedStudents -- Funding for the program. (1) There is established the Educational Enrichment Program for Hearing and VisuallyImpaired Students.
(2) The purpose of the program is to provide opportunities that will, in a family friendlyenvironment, enhance the educational services required for deaf, blind, or deafblind students.
(3) The advisory council shall design and implement the program, subject to the approval bythe board.
(4) The program shall be funded from the interest and dividends derived from the permanentfunds created for the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind pursuant to Section 12 of the UtahEnabling Act and distributed by the director of the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administrationunder Section
Enacted by Chapter 294, 2009 General Session