53B-1-101. Purpose of title. It is the purpose of this title:
(1) to provide a high quality, efficient, and economical public system of higher educationthrough centralized direction and master planning which:
(a) avoids unnecessary duplication;
(b) provides for the systematic and orderly development of facilities and qualityprograms;
(c) provides for coordination and consolidation; and
(d) provides for systematic development of the role or roles of each institution within thesystem of higher education consistent with the historical heritage and tradition of each institution;
(2) to vest in the State Board of Regents the power to govern the state system of highereducation consistent with state law and delegate certain powers to institutional boards of trusteesand institutional presidents, and to vest certain powers in institutional boards of trustees andinstitutional presidents.
Amended by Chapter 58, 1991 General Session