53B-7-101. Combined requests for appropriations -- Board review of operatingbudgets -- Submission of budgets -- Recommendations -- Hearing request -- Appropriationformulas -- Allocations -- Dedicated credits -- Financial affairs. (1) The board shall recommend a combined appropriation for the operating budgets ofhigher education institutions for inclusion in the state appropriations act. The board'srecommendations shall be available for presentation to the governor and to the Legislature at least30 days prior to the convening of the Legislature, and shall include schedules showing therecommended amounts for each institution, including separately funded programs or divisions. The recommended appropriations shall be determined by the board only after it has reviewed theproposed institutional operating budgets, and has consulted with the various institutions and boardstaff in order to make appropriate adjustments.
(2) Institutional operating budgets shall be submitted to the board at least 90 days prior tothe convening of the Legislature in accordance with procedures established by the board. Funding requests pertaining to capital facilities and land purchases shall be submitted inaccordance with procedures prescribed by the State Building Board.
(3) The budget recommendations of the board shall be accompanied by full explanationsand supporting data. The appropriations recommended by the board shall be made with the dualobjective of: (a) justifying for higher educational institutions appropriations consistent with theirneeds, and consistent with the financial ability of the state; and (b) determining an equitabledistribution of funds among the respective institutions in accordance with the aims and objectivesof the statewide master plan for higher education.
(4) The board shall request a hearing with the governor on the recommendedappropriations. After the governor delivers his budget message to the Legislature, the board shallrequest hearings on the recommended appropriations with the appropriate committees of theLegislature. If either the total amount of the state appropriations or its allocation among theinstitutions as proposed by the Legislature or its committees is substantially different from therecommendations of the board, the board may request further hearings with the Legislature or itsappropriate committees to reconsider both the total amount and the allocation.
(5) The board may devise, establish, periodically review, and revise formulas for its useand for the use of the governor and the committees of the Legislature in making appropriationrecommendations.
(6) The board shall recommend to each session of the Legislature the minimum tuitions,resident and nonresident, for each institution which it considers necessary to implement thebudget recommendations. The board may fix the tuition, fees, and charges for each institution atlevels it finds necessary to meet budget requirements.
(7) Money allocated to each institution by legislative appropriation may be budgeted inaccordance with institutional work programs approved by the board, provided that theexpenditures funded by appropriations for each institution are kept within the appropriations forthe applicable period.
(8) The dedicated credits, including revenues derived from tuitions, fees, federal grants,and proceeds from sales received by the institutions are appropriated to the respective institutionsand used in accordance with institutional work programs.
(9) Each institution may do its own purchasing, issue its own payrolls, and handle its ownfinancial affairs under the general supervision of the board.
Enacted by Chapter 167, 1987 General Session