53B-7-101.5. Proposed tuition increases -- Notice -- Hearings. (1) If an institution within the State System of Higher Education listed in Section
53B-1-102 considers increasing tuition rates for undergraduate students in the process ofpreparing or implementing its budget, it shall hold a meeting to receive public input and responseon the issue.
(2) The institution shall advertise the hearing required under Subsection (1) using thefollowing procedure:
(a) The institution shall advertise its intent to consider an increase in student tuition rates:
(i) in the institution's student newspaper twice during a period of 10 days prior to themeeting; and
(ii) on the Utah Public Notice Website created in Section
63F-1-701, for 10 daysimmediately before the meeting.
(b) The advertisement shall state that the institution will meet on a certain day, time, andplace fixed in the advertisement, which shall not be less than seven days after the day the secondadvertisement is published, for the purpose of hearing comments regarding the proposed increaseand to explain the reasons for the proposed increase.
(3) The form and content of the notice shall be substantially as follows:
The (name of the higher education institution) is proposing to increase student tuitionrates. This would be an increase of ______ %, which is an increase of $______ per semester fora full-time resident undergraduate student. All concerned students and citizens are invited to apublic hearing on the proposed increase to be held at (meeting place) on (date) at (time)."
(4) (a) The institution shall provide the following information to those in attendance atthe meeting required under Subsection (1):
(i) the current year's student enrollment for:
(A) the State System of Higher Education, if a systemwide increase is being considered;or
(B) the institution, if an increase is being considered for just a single institution;
(ii) total tuition revenues for the current school year;
(iii) projected student enrollment growth for the next school year and projected tuitionrevenue increases from that anticipated growth; and
(iv) a detailed accounting of how and where the increased tuition revenues would bespent.
(b) The enrollment and revenue data required under Subsection (4)(a) shall be brokendown into majors or departments if the proposed tuition increases are department or majorspecific.
(5) If the institution does not make a final decision on the proposed tuition increase at themeeting, it shall announce the date, time, and place of the meeting where that determination shallbe made.
Amended by Chapter 90, 2010 General Session