53B-8-103. Waiver of nonresident differential in tuition rates -- Dixie State Collegeof Utah good neighbor tuition waivers. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law:
(a) (i) The board may determine when to grant a full or partial waiver of the nonresidentdifferential in tuition rates charged to undergraduate students pursuant to reciprocal agreementswith other states.
(ii) In making the determination described under Subsection (1)(a)(i), the board shallconsider the potential of the waiver to:
(A) enhance educational opportunities for Utah residents;
(B) promote mutually beneficial cooperation and development of Utah communities andnearby communities in neighboring states;
(C) contribute to the quality of educational programs; and
(D) assist in maintaining the cost effectiveness of auxiliary operations in Utahinstitutions of higher education.
(b) (i) Consistent with its determinations made pursuant to Subsection (1)(a), the boardmay enter into agreements with other states to provide for a full or partial reciprocal waiver ofthe nonresident tuition differential charged to undergraduate students.
(ii) An agreement shall provide for the numbers and identifying criteria of undergraduatestudents, and shall specify the institutions of higher education that will be affected by theagreement.
(c) The board shall establish policy guidelines for the administration by the affected Utahinstitutions of any tuition waivers authorized under this section, for evaluating applicants forsuch waivers, and for reporting the results of the reciprocal waiver programs authorized by thissection.
(d) A report and financial analysis of any waivers of tuition authorized under this sectionshall be submitted annually to the general session of the Legislature as part of the budgetrecommendations of the board for the system of higher education.
(2) (a) Dixie State College of Utah may offer a good neighbor full waiver of thenonresident differential in tuition rates charged to undergraduate students:
(i) pursuant to reciprocal agreements with other states; or
(ii) to a resident of a county that has a portion of the county located within 70 miles ofthe main campus of Dixie State College of Utah.
(b) (i) A student who attends Dixie State College of Utah under a good neighbor tuitionwaiver shall pay a surcharge per credit hour in addition to the regular resident tuition and fees ofDixie State College of Utah.
(ii) The surcharge per credit hour shall be based on a percentage of the approved residenttuition per credit hour each academic year.
(iii) The percentage assessed as a surcharge per credit hour may not be less than 70% ofresident tuition per credit hour.
(c) Dixie State College of Utah may restrict the number of good neighbor tuition waiversawarded.
(d) A student who attends Dixie State College of Utah on a good neighbor tuition waivermay not count the time during which the waiver is received towards establishing resident studentstatus in Utah.
Amended by Chapter 363, 2009 General Session