53B-8-107. Military member surviving dependents -- Tuition waiver. (1) This section shall be known as the Scott B. Lundell Military Survivors' tuitionwaiver.
(2) If a Utah resident who is a member of the armed forces of the United States,including a member of the National Guard or reserve component of the armed forces on or afterSeptember 11, 2001, is killed or dies of wounds or injuries received while serving on state orfederal active duty, under orders of competent authority and not as a result of the member's ownmisconduct, a state institution of higher education shall waive undergraduate tuition for thatmember's dependents under the following conditions:
(a) the dependent has been accepted by the institution in accordance with the institution'sadmissions guidelines;
(b) the dependent is a resident student as determined under Section
(c) the dependent may not have already completed a course of studies leading to anundergraduate degree;
(d) the dependent may only utilize the waiver for courses that are applicable toward thedegree or certificate requirements of the program in which the dependent is enrolled; and
(e) the dependent may not be excluded from the waiver if the dependent has previouslytaken courses at or has been awarded credit by a state institution of higher education.
(3) The tuition waiver in this section is applicable for undergraduate study only.
(4) The Department of Veterans' Affairs, after consultation with the adjutant general ifnecessary, shall certify to the institution that the dependent is a surviving dependent eligible forthe tuition waiver in accordance with this section.
(5) The waiver in this section does not apply to fees, books, or housing expenses.
(6) The State Board of Regents may request reimbursement from the Legislature forcosts incurred in providing the tuition waiver under this section.
Amended by Chapter 184, 2008 General Session