53B-15-101. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Disposable earnings" means the part of an employee's earnings remaining after thededuction of all amounts required by law to be withheld.
(2) "Earnings" or "earnings from personal services" means compensation paid or payablefor personal services, whether designated as wages, salary, commission, bonus, or otherwise, andincludes periodic payments under a pension or retirement program.
(3) "Public employee" means any employee, officer, or servant of the state of Utah, orany office, department, agency, authority, commission, board, institution, hospital, college,university, or other instrumentality of the state, or of any county, city, town, school district,special improvement or taxing district, or any other political subdivision or public corporation ofor within the state.
Enacted by Chapter 167, 1987 General Session