53B-16-206. Snow College -- Career and technical education advisory committee --Membership -- Duties. (1) The Snow College Richfield campus shall have a career and technical educationadvisory committee composed of the following 19 members:
(a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for theJuab School District;
(b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for theMillard School District;
(c) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for theTintic School District;
(d) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for theNorth Sanpete School District;
(e) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for theSouth Sanpete School District;
(f) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for theWayne School District;
(g) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for thePiute School District;
(h) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for theSevier School District;
(i) one member of the Snow College board of trustees appointed by the president ofSnow College; and
(j) 10 representatives of business or industry employers within the region appointed bythe president of Snow College from nominations of the members appointed under Subsections(1)(a) through (i).
(2) The career and technical education advisory committee shall:
(a) after consulting with Snow College and local school districts within its region,prepare a comprehensive strategic plan for delivering career and technical education within itsregion;
(b) make recommendations regarding what skills are needed for employment in Utahbusinesses and industries;
(c) recommend programs based upon the information gathered in accordance withSubsection (2)(b);
(d) review annual program evaluations;
(e) provide counsel, support, and recommendations for updating and improving theeffectiveness of career and technical education programs and services, including expeditedprogram approval and termination of procedures, consistent with Board of Regents' policy;
(f) monitor program advisory committees and other advisory groups to provide counsel,support, and recommendations for updating and improving the effectiveness of training programsand services; and
(g) coordinate with local school boards, school districts, and charter schools to meet thecareer and technical education needs of secondary students.
Amended by Chapter 346, 2009 General Session