and enhance the non-credit career and technical education needs of secondary students;
(h) adopt an annual budget and fund balances for the School of Applied Technology;
(i) develop policies and procedures for the operation of the School of AppliedTechnology facilities under its jurisdiction;
(j) recommend credentials for employees and the assignment of employees to duties inaccordance with:
(i) State Board of Regents and Salt Lake Community College policies;
(ii) the Council on Occupational Education accreditation guidelines; and
(iii) the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities accreditation guidelines;
(k) develop policies and procedures for the admission, classification, instruction, andexamination of students in accordance with the policies and accreditation guidelines of theCouncil on Occupational Education, the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities,the State Board of Regents, Salt Lake Community College Board of Trustees, and the StateBoard of Education; and
(l) communicate regularly with the president of Salt Lake Community College regardingcareer and technical education issues.
(3) If a program advisory committee or other advisory group submits a writtenrecommendation to the School of Applied Technology's Board of Directors, the board ofdirectors shall acknowledge the recommendation with a printed response that explains the boardof directors' action regarding the recommendation and the reasons for the action.
(4) (a) If the School of Applied Technology Board of Directors has specificrecommendations to the Salt Lake Community College president, the recommendations shall bein a written form.
(b) Recommendations described under Subsection (4)(a) may include:
(i) additions, deletions, or expansions of non-credit career and technical educationprograms at Salt Lake Community College;
(ii) updates and improvements in the effectiveness of School of Applied Technologynon-credit career and technical education programs and services, including expedited programapproval and termination of procedures, consistent with Board of Regents' policy;
(iii) responsibilities described under Subsection (2); and
(iv) other recommendations relating to the non-credit career and technical educationmission of Salt Lake Community College.
(c) If the president of Salt Lake Community College rejects a specific recommendationof the board of directors, the president shall:
(i) notify the board of directors in writing within 10 working days of the rejection and thereasons for the rejection; and
(ii) provide the board of directors an opportunity to modify its specific recommendationand resubmit it to the president.
(5) The president of Salt Lake Community College and the chair of the School ofApplied Technology's Board of Directors shall annually meet with the Utah College of AppliedTechnology Board of Trustees to provide:
(a) the information described in Subsection 53B-16-209(4)(g); and
(b) a report on the implementation of specific recommendations described in Subsection(4).
(6) Salt Lake Community College School of Applied Technology shall provide staff
support for the School of Applied Technology's Board of Directors.
Enacted by Chapter 346, 2009 General Session