53B-17-101. Legislative findings on public broadcasting and telecommunicationsfor education. The Legislature finds and determines the following:
(1) The University of Utah's Dolores Dore' Eccles Broadcast Center is the statewidepublic broadcasting and telecommunications facility for education in Utah.
(2) The center shall provide services to citizens of the state in cooperation with higherand public education, state and local government, and private industry.
(3) Distribution services provided through the center shall include KUED - TV, KUER -FM, and KUEN - TV.
(4) KUED - TV and KUER - FM are licensed to the University of Utah.
(5) The Utah Education Network's broadcast entity, KUEN - TV, is licensed to the UtahState Board of Regents and, together with UEN, is operated on behalf of the state's systems ofpublic and higher education.
(6) All the entities referred to in Subsection (3) are under the administrative supervisionof the University of Utah, subject to the authority and governance of the State Board of Regents.
(7) This section neither regulates nor restricts a privately owned company in thedistribution or dissemination of educational programs.
Amended by Chapter 150, 2006 General Session